As promised, we provide you with the best tools to support your wellness, including a comprehensive Weight Management Program.
Weight Loss of Michigan and Enara Health have partnered to provide the state of Michigan an exceptional weight management program.
1- Weight is assessed in details. Body Composition Scale provides detailed information about how the body is composed: Fat, Muscle & Bone.
2- Lifestyle is also assessed and recommendations will be provided. Those recommendations will be something attainable and realistic to fit the patients' needs and desires.
3- Medications may also need to be adjusted; that would include substituting 'obesogenic" or medications that cause weight gain with weight friendly medications. We may also introduce "Anti-Obesity" or Weight-Loss Medications in certain situations.
4- We may recommend certain supplements and nutrients to assist in the weight loss journey. Shop The Boutique Here.
Many Patients may benefit from a personalized meal plan to stay on track during their journey to health and wellness.
We assit patients in finding healthy food options that would suit their taste buds, cultures and lifestyle. Call today to find out more!
Maintaining the healthy weight reached is actually the most difficult part of this journey.
Weight Regain is very common in weight loss journeys. This is why it is essential to continue and follow with us to ensure weight and reasons for weight gain are under control.
Avoid the Yo-Yo Weight and call us today!
We start with this!
Have you been judged by doctors due to your weight?
Have you been blamed? Have you been shamed?
Do you keep wondering how to lose weight?
Have you considered weight loss pills?
We know VERY WELL the science of Obesity Care and Weight Management. We know the causes and the consequences of Obesity.
We are very familiar with the available solutions. We are here to help YOU feel better overall and help you decrease some of the medications you may be on.
Come to our Troy office and we can help.
Complete our 3 days food diary prior to the appointment to help us help you.
We understand this maybe difficult at times.
Please complete that form to the best of your abilities with details.
Note any special occasions (Birthday parties, graduations etc..) on the log if possible.
Give yourself 30 extra minutes prior to the appointment.
There are some additional extensive forms that need to be filled when in the office. Those are needed prior to the appointment for us to gain a better understating of your overall healthy weight struggles and ultimate goals.
Obesity/Overweight and Extra Body Fat are the core reasons for many serious medical problems that include and not limited to: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Heartburn and many other problems.
Here is what the Center for Disease Control says about Obesity and its complications
Obesity has been defined by the American Medical Association as "Chronic Disease" requiring treatment
and bring it to your appointment at Dr. Rifai's office in Bloomfield Hills.
Many suffer while looking for ways on how to lose weight.
Consult with Dr. Rifai and you can get a detailed plan of care of what needs to be done.
Treatment of Obesity is not simple (as you may already know).
It involves multiple treatment modalities, ranging from dietary changes & some major lifestyle recommendations, to some weight loss medications & in some cases surgery may be an option. We are located in Troy and serve areas such as Rochester Hills and Bloomfield Hills.
There are different types of Obesity. Those are defined by certain bodily, lab tests and other criteria.
Get yourself evaluated and find out how to lose weight. Sometimes, we may need to use weight loss pills.
Not all "Obesity" is created equal.
Only a trained professional can tell them apart.
Dr. Rifai is specialized in Obesity management and has counseled many of her patients in Troy and surrounding areas on how to lose weight to reach healthier weights and maintain the weight loss.
We evaluate our patients bodily figure extensively in details and & assess the areas that need focus (yes, medically).
We formulate a "Long Term" plan that can be used anywhere and anytime.
Whatever the amount of weight you are trying to lose, we can help you with that.
Just remember, weight loss will take time!
Obesity did not show up over night. We may prescribe weight loss pills in certain situations,
We understand the struggles and frustration you maybe having.
Integritas Wellness Institute
PO Box 829, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303, US
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Integritas Wellness
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