Menopause and Andropause are normal undeniable parts for both men and women.
Women may undergo Menopause at times starting in their thirties. Sometime symptoms of "peri-menopause" may last >10 years before actual Menopause kicks in.
Women experience a lot of symptoms. Some of them may be difficult to tolerate. Those symptoms range from weight gain and challenges in losing weight, hair loss, fatigue, mental fog, anxiety or depression and many other symptoms.
Men may undergo similar set of symptoms as early as their forties. Loss of muscle mass, sexual challenges, mental fog are only a few of the symptoms included in Andropause.
There are many symptoms of Menopause.
We can help our patients pass through the change in a more tolerable process and help them have alleviated symptoms after Menopause.
We are able of helping women and men ease their symptoms.
If you are a man or a woman who may be interested in taking a deep dive into their health and optimize their hormones, please call us today.
We can help you today!
Our comprehensive program may provide solutions for your symptoms.
The United States Preventative Task Force as well as the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommend routine gynecological visits.
This includes Breast & Pelvic Exams.
A Pap Smear is a test that checks for abnormal cells in the cervical area to screen for cervical cancer. It is a quick test, painless and provides a lot of information. The Mayo Clinic has more information about Pap Smears.
Call to make an appointment with Dr. Rifai today.
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a common virus that causes Cervical Cancer as well as Head and Neck Cancer.
Learn all about HPV from the Mayo Clinic.
Ask Dr. Rifai to see if you were a candidate for this test.
Breast Cancer risk increases as women age. It is recommended that women become "aware" of their breasts, have an annual breast exam by a trained professional and get a mammogram starting at 40 (unless other risk factors are present).
Learn all about Breast Health.
Talk to Dr. Rifai and see where you stand.
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis risks increase as women and men advance in age. Bone Fractures are complications of the above. Make sure and talk to Dr. Rifai about your risk factors for Osteoporosis to see if you need to be screened for this condition.
Women have more emotional fluctuation than men do. This is usually related to menstrual cycles and fluctuating hormones.
Pre-Menstrual Symptoms (PMS) as well as Peri-Menopause/Menopause & Post-Menopause Symptoms have major impacts on women's mental well-being and day to day function.
At Integritas, we can help. We guide women on how to deal with their day to day stressors despite the hormonal fluctuation.
We can also (in certain cases), provide medicinal therapy when non-medicinal approaches are not sufficient.
Referrals are available when needed.
Integritas Wellness Institute
PO Box 829, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303, US
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